Our clients think that our strength is our high quality products and on-time delivery promise. But we know the real pillars behind the company’s products. It is the vast network of human connections. We believe that every member of the SEACO family, irrespective of department or team, is a solid asset to the company. Because we never hire just to fire in a short while. Due to the constantly changing global dynamics and technological advancements, our team members encounter challenges every day. Which is why, we look for opportunities in every challenge. With integrated team-work, continuous upgrading of skills, and above all a positive attitude, we strive to create innovative solutions for our clients and the industry at large.
In a rapid changing business environment and product life cycles becoming increasingly shorter, one must upgrade and advance. At SEACO we provide training to all departments at periodical intervals. Not only does it increase our collective capabilities but also ensures personal growth for every member of the SEACO family.
We’re always on the lookout for the best talent in the market. If you want to grow in your career, work on challenging assignments and be a part of a world-class team, do write to us. Alternatively, if you’re in love with metallurgy, foundries, auto components and the likes, we’re sure you’ll enjoy working with us. Get in touch with us at careers@seaco.co.in